
Snake Village - Eat your heart out..

3rd night in Hanoi and we decided to go to Snake Village with our hostel. We spent the beginning of the evening looking at dead snakes in jars, handling live snakes (which I am a big fan of) and chatting to people, then sat down at our table, a big group of 20 of us from the hostel. Then the people that worked in snake village started killing the snakes in front of us, taking out their hearts and dropping them in the vodka, dripping blood into the vodka, and then cutting the stomach to pour the bile out as well.
We each had to down a snake blood vodka shot with a bit of snake heart in it, and a snake bile vodka shot, and we spent the rest of the night getting drunk off snake wine and eating lots of dishes made from snake meat including crushed snake bone and fried snake skin. The snake wine flowed continuously and it got very messy. We got back to our hostel and drunkenly stumbled to Finnegan's Irish Bar to meet more people from the hostel.
The next day we decided to head to Sapa, a town in the north of Vietnam where you can trek in the mountains and visit ethnic minority hill tribes. I decided I would like a female with me so invited a girl in our dorm along, Lisa from London, and we invited a lovely very tall Canadian guy Seth along with us too.


Pria said...

you drank a snake's heart. YUCK.

Clio said...

snake heart? hardcore. xxx

helen said...

i miss you.
your absence is breaking my snakey-breaky-heart
also.. TYPICAL of you to be drinking blood while i was probably sitting an exam
sort your life out

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