

The only reason why anyone would want to go to Kratie is if you need to travel through it to get to another part of Cambodia, or if you want to go dolpin spotting. There is absolutely nothing to do in the town - which you can walk the entire lenght of in 10 mintues - and Shapiro ended up having to stay here by himself for 3 days because he had a toe infection and couldn't move on. Lol. So when me and Tom arrived, he was very relieved naturally, but still had to stay longer because I wanted to go see the dolpins. They are rare freshwater Irawaddy dolphins that live in the Mekong river, and its thought that there are only about 100 left. So we went with 2 english girls and sat on a boat for about an hour trying to take pictures of the glimpses of the dolphins we saw whenever they briefly popped their heads out of the water. And this was the best picture I got. It was a very frustrating day.


Florence said...


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