
Siem Reap & Temples of Angkor

It was not a joke the hottest day in the world ever recorded probably that me and Tom decided to go see the famous ancient temple ruins of Angkor. The whole temple complex is 3000 square kilometres, with over 100 Angkorian monuments spread around the place, so some people take a 3 day pass and still dont see everything on offer. Me and Tom just did one day of temple touring and after 7 hours of walking around under the sun nearly dieing from the overbearing heat, we'd pretty much seen enough temples to last us the rest of our asia trip.

The highlights were the Hindu temple Angkor Wat with its conical-shaped towers designed to look like lotus buds and its 700m long galleries of wall carvings showing religious narratives, ancient battles and Hindu epics;
Bayon with its massive stone structures that all have big eery looking faces carved on each side;
and Ta Phrom which unlike most of the other Angkor monuments, wasn't cleared and restored but was left to jungle and now has these humoungous trees growing all over the ruins with massive tree roots intertwining themselves throughout the walkways and rubble - and still looks pretty much the same now as it did to the Europeans who rediscovered the ruins in the 19th century.

I spent our final day in Siem Reap getting a traditinal Khmer massage and it was extremely intense - I had two ladies kneading and stepping on me all over, I had my body bent in the weirdest positions whilst they massaged muscles that I didn't even know I had, all whilst listening to the strangest high pitched wailing noises that they put on as 'music' in the background.


Florence said...

literally that bottom one is the most incredible photo! wowsies. that looks INCREDIBLE I am so jealous.

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