
Ko Tao

I took a boat to Ko Tao with hundreds of people so couldn't find the boys anywhere but managed to find one of Ulrika's fortnum friends and also bumped into a girl who went to St Pauls on the boat [very small world]. It was such a horrible journey, the boat was so rocky and the sea was so choppy making me feel the most seasick I've ever felt like I could genuinely have vomited. So I walked through the boat falling on people as I went because the boat was rocking so much, ran up the stairs where some thai guy clocked what I was doing and ran behind me laughing and making retching noises after me so that when I reached top deck I had to reassure all the people lying down trying to calm their stomachs that I wasn't going to vom all over them.

Ko Tao is a tiny little island where the majority of people are there to do a diving course because the waters are amazingly turquoise and clear - even if you're just swimming in the sea in shallow water, you can still see so clearly all the rocks and little fishes beneath you. I found Blue Wind hostel which I really wanted to stay at because of the yoga I'd heard about and the fact that it was right on the beach and had a bakery attached. I didn't do a diving course but the girls did - I basically spent most my time on the beach reading during the day and also doing a lot of yoga at the guesthouse, learning from this crazy cool scottish guy who's verrry hands on and does a lot of walking around the room talking about core spiritual energy and inner balance of the soul and stroking peoples heads as he walks past. My first ever yoga lesson of my life was done in a room with no fans or music and I was sweating bucketloads cus it was just hot as hell. And some guys I met the night before were in one of my yoga classes because I'd told them about it and that was pretty funny watching them struggle through the twists and stretches. I also met up with the boys one day and we did a self-induced jungle trek to a more secluded beach which was awesome and then played mini-golf. Nights were spent with the girls after their diving, mainly at Lotus bar on a very windy beach getting drunk, dancing by the sea and having fire dancers spin fire over our heads.


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