

I only spent half a day and a night in Krabi because I had to catch my flight to Kuala Lumpur the next morning. I didn't do anything in the town worth writing about, except get my last Thai massage for one and a half hours from this crazy old lady who made me strip nekkers and at one point put me in a sitting position where she grabbed my arms from the back and swung my body around, accidently exposing my boob and then cackling really loudly for a really long time when she realised. Mental.

The only thing I did that evening was I started chatting with the lady, Wanida, that ran the guesthouse I was staying in and we sat and talked for soo long and she went through all her new shopping purchases with me and I was oohing and aahing at all the cheap prices and materials etc. And then when I showed a bit more enthusiasm for this one dress she went 'please, I want you to have it because I like you, I think you are friendly and kind and a nice person, and you feel like a little sister to me! I hope you will wear it tomorrow to take your flight'... so literally she just gave me one of her new dresses because she liked me and thought I was nice! And we swapped contact details so that she could maybe come visit me in Kuala Lumpur.


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